
Just another mental health blog

Are there ever enough?

Here, I’m navigating all of the vulnerable, sensitive + fun sides of mental health and life, creatively with humor and a little pizazz. Photography, documentation, words, tips, the occasional poem + the joys of being a mom.

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jump in!

A few of my favorite things…

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MENTal health resources

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hello there.

We are all such different humans with unique stories, ideas, and visions to share. Our lenses on life vary, yet once in a while we find one similar to ours, or one that makes us expand our own perspective.

So this is for the feelers, the sensitive souls, the introverts, the intuitives and everyone in-between. The ones who deserve a more appropriate dialogue. Because sensitive is strong. Sensitive is sexy. Feelings really are okay, and emotional intelligence is in fact, a thing.

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